
More Response to The New York Times

The New York Times article featuring K12 Inc. was as one-sided as I expected it would be.  The reporter editorializes throughout and took great care to use only selective information to put the most negative slant on K12 and online schools. The reporter liberally quotes well-known critics but gives no room for leading voices supportive of education reform.

This despite hours of time spent with K12’s academic and curriculum experts and school leaders, and more email exchanges than I can

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Parents Respond to New York Times Opinion Writer

I recently responded to a misinformed New York Times (NYT) column that questioned the value online public schools. Unfortunately, NYT shut down the comment section and did not give parents the opportunity to share their stories and tell readers why they chose online public schools for their children. Many parents took to the K12 Facebook page to make their voices heard.

Here are some of their reactions:

“…I disagree with her. my son does [the] k12 program and has more time to learn and

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New York Times Columnist Misses the Mark

No doubt getting a preview of a NYT piece yet to come, Gail Collins uses her column to question the validity of online public schools (for everyone except middle class homeschoolers), and tries to make her case using some flimsy arguments, and familiar critics:

  • Kevin Welner from the union-funded National Education Policy Center who dismisses the extensive research in the field of online learning as nothing but “a couple of blog entries.”  These reports, evaluations, and studies don’t

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Part 2: Why Online Public School Works – From The People Who Really Know

Below are more comments from some of the K12 families that utilize online public schools, answering a question posed on K12’s Facebook page. The question asks, “The reason our family chose online school for our educational needs is…”

“…Learning has become fun again and interesting, and the boys have a more active social life than ever with other children that we know because of the flexibility in their schedule. We don’t know why we didn’t do this years ago!” 


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Why Online Public School Works—From the People Who Really Know

Much is often said about the value of online schools from people with little or no experience.  The voices that are too often left out are the most important ones –parents and students.  Below are comments from some of the K12 families that utilize online public schools, answering a question posed on K12’s Facebook page.  The question asks, “The reason our family chose online school for our educational needs is ...”

Read the reasons these parents and students chose online public

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