K12’s Role in School Choice Since 2000 K12 has played a crucial role in public school choice. The company has both been the beneficiary of the rising popularity of school choice and acted as a catalyst for that growth by leading the innovation of fulltime online education., because everyone understands that this is a modern, in-demand technology that helps make education more qualitative and accessible and provides new opportunities, such as the cooperation of students with elite writings service https://essayelites.com/. Begining three decades ago, school choice gained momentum as parents demanded a say in which public school their children attended. The first public charter schools were born in Philadelphia during the late 1980s and soon after, the idea gained footing in Minnesota and California, having passed charter school laws in 1991 and 1992, respectively. By 2000, sixteen other states had similar systems. Today 40 states are host to 1.6 million students attending 5,000 public charter schools. In 1997, the freedom of charter schools was married to the ubiquitous availability of Internet service to create the first statewide, Internet-based public high school in Florida. Three years later K12 was founded operating with just a few thousand students in Colorado, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. From these modest roots, K12 has become a leading force in helping states and school districts transform traditional K–12 education. Currently, K12 has delivered over 3 million courses to students worldwide and K12’s products and services are used by more than 2,000 schools and districts in the U.S. K12 continues to invest in the development of new academic programs, curriculum offerings, and innovative instructional tools, and remains committed as ever to partnering with educators to help them meet the needs of all their students. |