
Reality: Pennsylvania Charters are Catalyst for Ed Reform

The headline says it all:  Money motivates school districts to feed desire for online curriculum

How rich that the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) adds the exclamation point that, for some school districts, it’s about the money first.

“Many districts say that providing more opportunity for their students has been the key motivator for their interest in online programs, but Steve Robinson, a spokesman for the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, said their driving force

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AYP, an Unreliable Measure of School Performance

Derek Thompson at the Atlantic chimed in on the Businessweek article featuring K12.  He got tripped up on a few things: 

First, K12 is not a “for-profit virtual middle school.”  It is a provider of online curriculum, technology and school services.  The company partners with schools, school districts and other education institutions to provide online learning programs and services.  All the schools using K12 are nonprofit and governed by an independent, nonprofit governing board. 

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Empowering Parents with Choice in Education

A recent article in Bloomberg Businessweek paints a misleading picture of online charter schools, teachers and students.  Throughout the article, there is a fundamental misunderstanding of online learning and the role of education providers such as K12 Inc.

Online public schools offer parents and students educational options and the freedom to choose the public school that works best for them. Every student who enrolls in an online public school using K12 curriculum is there by choice. No

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School Choice in Tennessee

Sometimes the good news is that the bad news is wrong.

That’s surely the case with the story a Tennessee state legislator and his political party friends tried to create. 

They suggested the Virtual Public Schools Act introduced in Nashville to encourage public school options, including online education, is a huge departure and somehow not helpful to parents and students.

They may want to question their sources next time.

Tennessee law already permits local education agencies to operate

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